Employee Survey

Creating an employee survey checklist ensures a systematic approach to gathering feedback and insights from employees.

Here’s a comprehensive checklist for conducting an employee survey:

Planning and Preparation

  • Define Objectives: Clearly outline the goals and objectives of the survey.

  • Select Survey Type: Decide on the type of survey (e.g., engagement survey, satisfaction survey, culture survey).

  • Identify Participants: Determine who will participate in the survey (e.g., all employees, specific departments).

  • Choose Survey Method: Select the method of survey administration (e.g., online survey tool, paper-based).

Survey Design

  • Develop Survey Questions: Create clear, relevant, and unbiased survey questions.

  • Ensure Confidentiality: Guarantee anonymity and confidentiality of responses.

  • Pilot Test: Conduct a pilot test with a small group to ensure clarity and effectiveness of questions.

Survey Administration

  • Communicate Purpose: Clearly communicate the purpose and importance of the survey to employees.

  • Set Timeline: Establish a timeline for survey distribution, completion, and follow-up.

  • Send Survey: Distribute the survey to participants using the chosen method.

Data Collection and Analysis

  • Monitor Responses: Track survey completion rates and follow up with non-respondents if necessary.

  • Collect Data: Gather and compile survey responses securely.

  • Analyze Data: Analyze survey results to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.

Action Planning

  • Report Findings: Prepare a report summarizing survey findings and insights.

  • Discuss Results: Discuss survey results with relevant stakeholders (e.g., management, HR).

  • Develop Action Plan: Create an action plan based on survey results to address identified issues and improve employee experience.


  • Communicate Findings: Share survey findings and action plan with employees to demonstrate responsiveness.

  • Implement Changes: Implement changes and improvements based on the action plan.

  • Monitor Progress: Monitor progress and outcomes of implemented changes over time.


  • Evaluate Effectiveness: Assess the effectiveness of survey actions and improvements.

  • Plan for Future Surveys: Determine future survey plans and improvements based on feedback and outcomes.


This template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. This is not a legal document. Easy HR will not assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this template.

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