What is Disciplinary Action ?
Disciplinary action refers to the measures taken by an employer to address employee behavior or performance issues. These actions typically follow a formal process, which may include warnings, suspensions, or even termination. The goal is to correct behavior, ensure compliance with company policies, and maintain a productive work environment. The specific actions depend on the severity of the violation and the organization's policies. Common types of disciplinary actions include verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension, and dismissal.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. What is the role of HR in discipline?
The role of HR in discipline is to explain the policy regarding discipline, identify violators of the policy, conduct an investigation on this, and act as a representative in the disciplinary meeting or hearing. It also helps to decide and implement disciplinary action.
2. What is the primary purpose of disciplinary action?
Disciplinary action is primarily for alerting, improving, or correcting unacceptable behavior at work. It is not meant to punish the employee unless the case is grave enough. When such behaviors are corrected, performance and productivity improve.
3. What is disciplinary action against an employee?
A disciplinary action not favoring an employee's conduct includes warnings, suspension, demotion, or termination—against the employee. The organization generally backs up or enhances poor performance and addiction before taking severe measures.
4. What do you do with disciplinary action?
For handling disciplinary actions, clear knowledge of the policy as well as handling sensitive matters is required. Some best practices are:
Check the company's disciplinary policy
Confirm the misbehavior
Verify the witness statements and evidence presented
Hear all sides of the situation
Prepare documents before any meeting
Have a private meeting
State the right reasons for the disciplinary action